On Friday 20 October, celebrations were held for the 25th anniversary of the “Magna Graecia” Catanzaro University. On this occasion, in the presence of Health Minister Orazio Schillaci, there was the presentation to the community of Calabria’s first cyclotron. This was a great satisfaction for Progetti, which last year won the tender for the supply of a particle accelerator for the production of radioisotopes useful for obtaining PET radiopharmaceuticals and molecules for research in radiobiology and diagnostics.

The project was commissioned and financed by the Department of the Presidency of the Region – Sector 3 – Scientific Research and Technological Innovation. The device represents, in fact, a powerful research tool and a great contribution to the innovation of diagnostic imaging techniques in healthcare. The team of our unit Medical Systems, as required by the call for tenders, did not only deal with the simple supply of the cyclotron, but also with the various technically qualified activities: from the executive design to the adaptation of the premises intended to store the device, up to its commissioning.

This required the design team and the experts in physics and nuclear medicine to carry out an in-depth study in order to meet all regulations related to the production, use, storage, transport and disposal of radioactive substances, so as to guarantee the protection of workers and the general public, as well as regulations concerning the proper preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and their administration to patients.