We are strategic partners of the world’s leading ceramic industry players.

Our systems are installed worldwide and they dry about 40 million pieces every year.
We contribute to the challenges of the sanitaryware manufacturers: product quality, automation, logistic efficiency, energy savings, and low environmental impact.
Reliable and tested solutions, measurable performance, customization and optimization of the process are our key points.

For sanitaryware field we supply taylor-made dryers and innovative technology to ensure the highest level of product quality and an increasing sustainability


All our dryers – continuous and static dryers – are designed taking into account the material to dry – vitreous china, fire clay e fine fire clay – and they are tailored to the available space and the different types of automation.

Discover more
Why Progetti dryers
High control
Scraps reduction
Short drying cycle time
Integration of the latest generation electronic systems
Energy saving
Digital approach

Environmental control systems

During the casting phase it is essential to maintain the environmental parameters at the right level, according to the type of product and to the specific casting technique – traditional casting, spagless and high pressure.

Our systems ensure a specific microclimate, strictly controlled even with high climatic variations and in all factory locations. Air distribution is designed to control the production area only. This determines a reduction in both the volume of the air to be treated and the total energy cost.

Guaranteed by our customers

Casting Department Air Treatment System and Pre-dryers

  • Casting yield +5%
  • Dust level -20%
Why Progetti systems
Energy saving
High productivity
Repeatability and stability of the product
Ease of maintenance
Workplace health

Mastering the Air: Advanced Environmental Control Systems

Discover the heart of our environmental control solutions – the Air Handling Unit.

 We design custom air networks to precisely control temperature and humidity in casting halls, ensuring optimal conditions for your products. Easily set and managed by our in-house software, we tailor the system to your specific needs. See how air ducts and diffusers distribute conditioned air throughout the hall, preserving the integrity of your casted pieces.

Slip heating system

Slip temperature is one of the main parameters in sanitaryware casting. Our internal and external slip heating systems provide an optimal stability in casting processes. The slip runs through a special exchanger in stainless steel specifically studied to avoid any sedimentation and to prevent air bubbles. The control is carried out by a microprocessor with both modulating and safety valves. Heating may be adjusted from 30 to 50°C.

Regardless of external weather conditions, slip properties are unaffected and efficiency is guaranteed.